Online Mr Nasties

Angela Innes (Letters, 7 April) makes a relevant point.

I have myself just been subject to a sneering “lesson” on school physics by an alias user which had nothing to do with my suggestion (Letters, 6 April) that the constant excoriation of all things nuclear by public figures might just have had an inhibitory effect on recruitment to radiotherapy positions – nastiness for its own sake perhaps.

Those who do make a serious contribution to debate – the majority of respondents to Scotsman letters, I may add – also use the device so it is not restricted to the “Mr Nasties” of this world but is part of the internet culture; we may note it is getting ever more difficult even to consult a shopping catalogue without signing up with a user name and password.

Do we now spend much of our lives at the modern equivalent of the masked ball?

(Dr) A McCormick

Kirkland Road

Terrregles, Dumfries

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