Letter: Heat under feet

I wonder if Verso's report (Letters, 11 May) really costed the use of heat energy and district heating development using flooded former coal mines, using the Shettleston model? It is indeed a pity if we do not use our very substantial geothermal resource throughout the Central Belt.

There is also the Gotland model to take heat from the sea at many of our hundreds of harbours. There could be a number of construction jobs created if we used our geothermal and marine energy resource. I fail to believe this matter has been adequately investigated.

There is no doubt that much of our infrastructure - especially relating to sewerage and water pipes - needs replaced.

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It is timely for a proper review of our major construction and infrastructure projects, including the ongoing and future role of Scottish Water which could be a valuable partner in new schemes utilising renewables, energy efficiency and up-to-date technologies.

Elizabeth Marshall

Western Harbour Midway


Could I make a plea for public consideration of the horrendous plight for certain wearers of tartan, whose lives has been turned upside down since 5 May? Members of the following clans face humiliation and a crisis of being: McCannae, McFeartie, MacGrovel, McShouldnae and MacHumble. They can't wear the cloth of kith and kin in public any more.

A humanitarian disaster is stalking the land. Glen Grovel and Glen Gerrymander are lying silent and cowed. Strathchicanery residents wonder where their next brown envelope will come from. It's worse in Strathsinecure, where some are even reported to be looking for real jobs.

The only success story is the news from Clan MacWulnae who still proudly wear the red, white and blue garb of old quasi-Caledonia. They are doing their best to take in the "broken Clansfolk", but they "wulnae" be able to do much more.

I implore our dear and glorious leader, Kim-Sal-Mond, to create even more jobs out of nothing. Yea, verily I beg of him "gie thaim a joab" as directors in wind turbine companies and with other vacuous purveyors of "renewables".

Ron Greer

Blair Atholl


Beth Stratford (Platform, 9 May) enthuses that low carbon renewable energy requires more jobs per unit of energy produced than low carbon nuclear. Using the same regressive economics we could create plentiful employment by banning the use of tractors on farms.

Colin McInnes

Williamwood Park West
