Council may test school closure veto by minister

AN ISLAND council is considering a legal challenge to the Scottish Government's decision to veto the closure of four schools.

Western Isles Council had voted in November to shut 11 schools, including eight primaries and three two-year secondaries as falling rolls meant they were no longer viable.

Michael Russell, the education minister, "called in" the decision under the new Schools Consultation Act and this week announced he was halting the closure of the primaries at Carloway in Lewis and Seilebost in Harris as well as the two-year secondary departments at Lionel and Shawbost schools in Lewis.

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The council said it is "extremely disappointed" at the move and is considering its options, including seeking a judicial review of the minister's intervention.

Mr Russell said closure should only ever be a last resort and will only be allowed where there are clear educational benefits to pupils.

But Angus Campbell, the council leader, said the authority had gone through an extensive consultation process and had stuck rigorously to the guidelines laid down by the Scottish Government.